For Use With the Following Models: AM-12IDA AM-2B AM-4B AM-4BS AM-6 B AM-6B AM-6BS AM AM12-IDA AM4SB AM6SB MDV-1 MDV-1BA VM VM12500 VM12500T VM2B500 VM2B500T VM4B500 VM4B500T VM4BS500 VM4BS500T VM4SB500...
Package of 5 disposable bags. For use with the following models: AM-2B AM-4B AM-4BS AM-6 B AM-6B AM-6BS AM AM12-IDA AM4SB AM6SB MDV-1 MDV-1BA VM VM12500 VM12500T VM2B500 VM2B500T VM4B500
Baby your baby with our car wash solution designed to work with MetroVac Car Dryers without harming wax protection.